As previously mentioned a flare-up of heamorrhoids to stage 4 was interfering with the fistula treatment.
It was also important that at this stage (4) these were treated quickly before they became dangerous.
Dr B uses another ayurvedic treatment
kshar karma to do just that. So rather than wait until back in UK I decided to have it done here. Again its not a quick fix, taking 7/8 days to work but it should be permanent.
This time the op was in the smaller clinic hospital - Anugraha which has its own operating theatre.
So on Thursday, I went in for approx 7:30 to be prepped.
The op was cheduled for 9:00 but due to a late anaesthetist it didn't happen until 10:15.
I went through and was given a spinal anaesthetic once more, and then a procedure lasting approx 20 mins.
The doc also used the situation to do "deep examination and cleansing" of the fistula.
Lo and behold he discovers it has virtually gone apart from a small skin segment which he cuts!
So at the end of the op he announces "
You are now Fistula Free"!
Joy of joys.
Only those with this dreadful ailment will know how life-changing those words can be.
After 6 years with this in the UK and almost 20 surgeries which have achieved next to nothing, the fistula was totally eradicated here in 8 weeks!
It's not quite that simple in that there is now an open wound which needs to heal so there will be several more weeks of wound dressing and packing but the actual fistula is gone!
The day was a long one - the spinal took
10 hours to wear off and this led to a few issues such as needing to be catheterised for a very full bladder which I had no control over, however by 21:30 feeling a little rough I was back in the hotel.
So in summary - no more thread changes, no more operations, just daily would dressing/packing until it all heals over.
I was very pleasantly surprised today (Friday) when Dr Bhat himself phoned me to see how I was after the operation. Was I in pain? Was there any issue? etc etc
How good is that!
I've never had a doc in the UK phone me after an op and I have had many.
I think this simply shows once what a genuinely caring man he is.
My new best friend!