Tuesday, 11 February 2020

64th and last! Clinic visit

Well that's it then! I saw the doc today for the last time. He is happy he's sorted it all out and all that remains is for the last wound to heal up. 2/3 weeks he thinks. 
It has been an incredible journey and had its ups and downs. But in short he had fixed in three months almost to the day what the UK could not in six years. 
Do not doubt that this 1000 year old treatment works as I and many others are living proof it does. 
Dr Bhat is a kind caring compassionate man and frankly a magician !
If you are afflicted with this dreadful condition then do not despair. Instead seriously consider him or one like him. Yes it is a thought coming to a foreign country but living is cheap here and it should be doable for most. 
We have made some great friends and met some wonderful people. I have no doubt we will be back one day!
We fly home tonight!
Thanks to all my readers!

Kev Thompson

Friday, 7 February 2020

63rd clinic visit

Saw doc again today. After another deep examination, he is happy! All that's left to go is for the wounds to heal up. So he confirmed I'm good to go next week!
There will be one (last) visit on Tuesday then we fly home Wednesday 2:00am!

Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

62nd clinic visit

Had a day off then back in tonight. 
Doc happy all is healing.  Still some discharge and inflammation but he's sure all is well and will heal up in a couple of weeks. 
So still on track for flight home next week.

Monday, 3 February 2020

61st clinic visit

I was asked to be in early today so the doc could see progress so at 9:00 I met him.
He was taken aback at how bad this rash/broken skin has become and apologised profusely for the obvious pain I was in.
Another set of drugs prescribed. So we'll see how this goes.
It's been a very uncomfortable few days with a lot of discharge which has made the skin very red and inflamed and now broken.
Just when I thought the worst was done.

On a positive note, the (very) large wound he opened up seems to be starting to heal.

I've to rest tomorrow and go back Wednesday.  Not quite the closing weeks of treatment I had hoped for.  Flight home booked for 12th so here's hoping I'm fit to travel!

Sunday, 2 February 2020

60th clinic visit

Another milestone reached!  Hard to believe I've been here 60 times now but needs must.

Doc away so nurse packing wound today.  Seemed ok at the time - in and out quite quickly.
It was a good chance to catch up with some of the many new friends (or fellow travelers!) I've made whilst here.
Back to the hotel but some hours later the whole area started to itch like mad - almost a burn.
I had to sit in the sitz bath in cold water for a while until it calmed down.
Having taken another photo which I'll spare you as the wound is gaping and bloody, it all appears very red and angry looking again :o(

I put more of the antihistamine cream on and things seem to have calmed down again.

I think the discharge from wherever is sensitising the whole area.  I thought I was over the worst but this has been a challenging few days.

Saturday, 1 February 2020

59th clinic visit

I saw the doc today and he wanted a closer look at the results of his operation.
He thinks it needs daily dressing, so sadly I've had to cancel the trip up North we had booked - just the way it goes I'm afraid.

There is a large hole that needs to heal, but he still thinks we will be on track for flights back, Feb 12th.

There 's still a lot of pain and itching too from around the wound site and it bled for a good 10 minutes in the shower tonight.

He is not there tomorrow but the nurse will dress it, and I'll see him again first thing Monday.
Fingers crossed.